Terrorism doesn't go away when you ignore it. Much like a massive oil spill, it doesn't go away just because you want to play golf or bask in the attention of a worshipful press at a Correspondents Dinner that seems to have more celebrities, both Hollywood and Big Media, than honest hardworking reporters. Terrorism doesn't take a day off or take holidays off. Not even Muslim holidays. Not even for Ramadan. Terrorism doesn't go away until you defeat it. It's that simple.
Islamic terrorism is one of those things that isn't supposed to exist anymore in the realm of human affairs. The zero sum game. The struggle to which there can only be two outcomes. An unambiguous victory by one side or the other. No amount of negotiations, outreach programs, speeches, concessions, scholarships and books will change that. And that is a shame because for the last century our culture has embraced the idea that every problem in human affairs can be settled if we all sit down and talk it out. And that naive idea of violence in human affairs resulting from a lack of concessions is exactly the kind of thing our enemies would like us to believe. All the better for them to cut our throats.
The negotiation fallacy depends on the assumption that every player in the game would rather talk than fight, would rather settle for 33 percent of the pie, than 100 percent of the pie. Human history alone testifies to the fact that such players not only exist, but that they tend to walk away with the whole pie, which is not surprising as history tends to be written by those who play to win, rather than by those who play to draw even. An inconvenient truth for the apostles of soft power who think that empires of paper tigers are all it takes to usher in a new world order.
Unfortunately for them, wars so often come down to who wants victory more. In WW2, Nazi Germany swept the field because its soldiers wanted it more, while the Allies and even the Russians initially wanted to split the difference, to keep Fritz at bay, until everyone had a chance to talk it over, and pick up as much as they could from the new state of affairs. Only when England and Russia looked into the abyss, did they actually begin to want it more. Only then did they begin making the sacrifices, putting forth the desperate effort and endurance that allowed them to survive long enough to exhaust Germany's warfighting capabilities and bring the United States into the war.
Today we aren't the ones who want victory more. Our enemies do. And they make a point of it every time a suicide bomber walks into a crowd. His death is their way of communicating to us their ruthlessness and their determination to stay in the fight until the last infidel is dead or in chains. Suicide bombing is not strategy, it's propaganda by those who make up for their lack of strategic and military acumen, with their contempt for the "soft and decadent enemy" whom they see as wanting nothing more than a comfortable life surrounded by consumer goods. An assessment of the modern world that Islamists shared with Khrushchev and Hitler, not to mention your average progressive critic of American consumerism.
Islamic terrorists cannot militarily defeat a people who walked on the moon. But they don't have to. Their strategy does not depend on playing to our strengths, but to our weaknesses. Their bullseye is painted square on our sense of fair play, our eagerness to reach out to the Other and see his point of view, our desire to be at peace, and our willingness to forget the past in order to embrace the future. They know that while we may have B2 bombers and nuclear warheads, that we will not do to them, as they would do to us. That we are not willing to kill them, as they would kill us.
And so their strategy is very painfully simple. They will keep killing us. Day by day. Week by week and year by year. We will catch them, break up their cells, give them fair trials with ACLU lawyers, and they will laugh at us and curse us. And those cells that we do not catch will succeed. If not today, then tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then next week. As long as Muslims continue to immigrate to America and solicit new converts, they will never have a shortage of potential terrorists. And they know that. What's more, they know we aren't about to do anything about it.
They don't have to succeed with every car or plane bombing. With every shooting rampage or sniper attack. They just have to succeed now and then. Enough to keep the engine of terror running, greased with our blood. Enough to convince us that we can't defeat them, and that we need to sit down at that negotiating table, and discuss how much more of the pie they're going to get, in exchange for a temporary truce. And when that expires, they'll want more of the pie of course. And we'll give it to them. Because appeasement is a learned behavior. And once you've given up your dignity and your patriotism, and your refusal to bow to evil-- then there is no depth to which you will not sink to. If you doubt that, look Eastward to Europe or Southeastward to Israel. And then tell me it can't happen here.
No, Islamic terrorism doesn't go away when you ignore it. It plots and schemes. It runs off at the mouth and eventually it kills again. Because it may be up against the children of the men who walked on the moon, but it has time and numbers on its side. And the sentimentality of an enemy who will not behead them, or shove them into pits and throw a grenade in. Who will look on in horror if one of his bombs falls on a school, where the occupants of that same school would have been jumping for joy if one of their bombs had fallen on a school filled with infidels. Who will try to negotiate. Always try to see their point of view. Who will ignore the hard truths that the cold and barren desert teaches the bandit and the trader at night. That those who prosper must learn to be pitiless in the defense of their own lives and that of their house.
Islam was born out of that same school of the desert. Its classroom was the broad sands, hot in the day and cold at night. Its ledger was the Koran. Its pencil was the scimitar. And its graduation exam was survival. And while the West has changed, Islam has not. The fall of the Ottoman Empire and the departure of the British Empire has reverted the Middle East to the old ways, the tribe and the family, the fanatical creed and the low crunning with which to advance it. Mercy is murder. Death is a blessing. And all ideas fall before the sword.
And so out of that terrible classroom only one idea has survived. No, not the borrowed algebra of India or the stolen scrolls of the Greeks. That of the supremacy of power. The power of Allah as embodied by the victorious armies of Islam. For the triumph of ruthless power is the only true message of the Koran. The men and women of the West may sit at negotiating tables, but in the East they still understand that tables are good mainly for hiding knives under. And that men who wish to sit at a table with you, are either hiding a knife of their own, or are too soft and addled to know what is about to happen to them.
Where the West is full of words, the East is full of deeds. Not great deeds. Not high deeds. Not even noble or virtuous deeds. Just deeds. And that you see is the point. It is better to do something, than to do nothing. And in a war between the fighters and the talkers, the fighters will surely win. Because the freedom of the pen must be defended by the sword, or it will surely fall to the sword. The East understands that. Mohammed understood that. But the West has forgotten it. And it is paying a terrible price for that already.
The Socialists of the West believe that they are building themselves a kingdom of heaven on earth through government centralized social justice. The Muslims believe that they are building a kingdom of heaven on earth through murder and genocide. And while the Socialists pass bills, debate in their legislatures, deliver speeches and hand out concessions-- the Muslims kill. The Socialists have built their Tower of Babel out of the bureaucracy of government. Islam has built its tower out of corpses, and daily it adds new corpses to the pile.
These two towers now overshadow the world. The Tower of Socialism and the Tower of the Dead. Every time the second tower grows, the first tower trembles. And unless a third tower rises soon, the Tower of Determination, there will be only one tower hanging above the world. The Tower of the Dead. The Tower of Islam.
Terrorism doesn't go away when you ignore it. The people of the free world do. One by one. Into the dark night.
Islamic terrorism is one of those things that isn't supposed to exist anymore in the realm of human affairs. The zero sum game. The struggle to which there can only be two outcomes. An unambiguous victory by one side or the other. No amount of negotiations, outreach programs, speeches, concessions, scholarships and books will change that. And that is a shame because for the last century our culture has embraced the idea that every problem in human affairs can be settled if we all sit down and talk it out. And that naive idea of violence in human affairs resulting from a lack of concessions is exactly the kind of thing our enemies would like us to believe. All the better for them to cut our throats.
The negotiation fallacy depends on the assumption that every player in the game would rather talk than fight, would rather settle for 33 percent of the pie, than 100 percent of the pie. Human history alone testifies to the fact that such players not only exist, but that they tend to walk away with the whole pie, which is not surprising as history tends to be written by those who play to win, rather than by those who play to draw even. An inconvenient truth for the apostles of soft power who think that empires of paper tigers are all it takes to usher in a new world order.
Unfortunately for them, wars so often come down to who wants victory more. In WW2, Nazi Germany swept the field because its soldiers wanted it more, while the Allies and even the Russians initially wanted to split the difference, to keep Fritz at bay, until everyone had a chance to talk it over, and pick up as much as they could from the new state of affairs. Only when England and Russia looked into the abyss, did they actually begin to want it more. Only then did they begin making the sacrifices, putting forth the desperate effort and endurance that allowed them to survive long enough to exhaust Germany's warfighting capabilities and bring the United States into the war.
Today we aren't the ones who want victory more. Our enemies do. And they make a point of it every time a suicide bomber walks into a crowd. His death is their way of communicating to us their ruthlessness and their determination to stay in the fight until the last infidel is dead or in chains. Suicide bombing is not strategy, it's propaganda by those who make up for their lack of strategic and military acumen, with their contempt for the "soft and decadent enemy" whom they see as wanting nothing more than a comfortable life surrounded by consumer goods. An assessment of the modern world that Islamists shared with Khrushchev and Hitler, not to mention your average progressive critic of American consumerism.
Islamic terrorists cannot militarily defeat a people who walked on the moon. But they don't have to. Their strategy does not depend on playing to our strengths, but to our weaknesses. Their bullseye is painted square on our sense of fair play, our eagerness to reach out to the Other and see his point of view, our desire to be at peace, and our willingness to forget the past in order to embrace the future. They know that while we may have B2 bombers and nuclear warheads, that we will not do to them, as they would do to us. That we are not willing to kill them, as they would kill us.
And so their strategy is very painfully simple. They will keep killing us. Day by day. Week by week and year by year. We will catch them, break up their cells, give them fair trials with ACLU lawyers, and they will laugh at us and curse us. And those cells that we do not catch will succeed. If not today, then tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then next week. As long as Muslims continue to immigrate to America and solicit new converts, they will never have a shortage of potential terrorists. And they know that. What's more, they know we aren't about to do anything about it.

No, Islamic terrorism doesn't go away when you ignore it. It plots and schemes. It runs off at the mouth and eventually it kills again. Because it may be up against the children of the men who walked on the moon, but it has time and numbers on its side. And the sentimentality of an enemy who will not behead them, or shove them into pits and throw a grenade in. Who will look on in horror if one of his bombs falls on a school, where the occupants of that same school would have been jumping for joy if one of their bombs had fallen on a school filled with infidels. Who will try to negotiate. Always try to see their point of view. Who will ignore the hard truths that the cold and barren desert teaches the bandit and the trader at night. That those who prosper must learn to be pitiless in the defense of their own lives and that of their house.
Islam was born out of that same school of the desert. Its classroom was the broad sands, hot in the day and cold at night. Its ledger was the Koran. Its pencil was the scimitar. And its graduation exam was survival. And while the West has changed, Islam has not. The fall of the Ottoman Empire and the departure of the British Empire has reverted the Middle East to the old ways, the tribe and the family, the fanatical creed and the low crunning with which to advance it. Mercy is murder. Death is a blessing. And all ideas fall before the sword.
And so out of that terrible classroom only one idea has survived. No, not the borrowed algebra of India or the stolen scrolls of the Greeks. That of the supremacy of power. The power of Allah as embodied by the victorious armies of Islam. For the triumph of ruthless power is the only true message of the Koran. The men and women of the West may sit at negotiating tables, but in the East they still understand that tables are good mainly for hiding knives under. And that men who wish to sit at a table with you, are either hiding a knife of their own, or are too soft and addled to know what is about to happen to them.
Where the West is full of words, the East is full of deeds. Not great deeds. Not high deeds. Not even noble or virtuous deeds. Just deeds. And that you see is the point. It is better to do something, than to do nothing. And in a war between the fighters and the talkers, the fighters will surely win. Because the freedom of the pen must be defended by the sword, or it will surely fall to the sword. The East understands that. Mohammed understood that. But the West has forgotten it. And it is paying a terrible price for that already.
The Socialists of the West believe that they are building themselves a kingdom of heaven on earth through government centralized social justice. The Muslims believe that they are building a kingdom of heaven on earth through murder and genocide. And while the Socialists pass bills, debate in their legislatures, deliver speeches and hand out concessions-- the Muslims kill. The Socialists have built their Tower of Babel out of the bureaucracy of government. Islam has built its tower out of corpses, and daily it adds new corpses to the pile.
These two towers now overshadow the world. The Tower of Socialism and the Tower of the Dead. Every time the second tower grows, the first tower trembles. And unless a third tower rises soon, the Tower of Determination, there will be only one tower hanging above the world. The Tower of the Dead. The Tower of Islam.
Terrorism doesn't go away when you ignore it. The people of the free world do. One by one. Into the dark night.
GREAT article - Thank you for posting!
ReplyDeleteI agree. Wonderful article.
Personal thoughts: I sometimes feel that the average American feels that because Sept. 11 was so devastating, so extreme, that we're done with the worst of it. That any attack following it is small potatoes.
Same with the Holocaust--just because other acts of anti-Semitism weren't and aren't nearly as extreme they're nothing to worry about.
Those attitudes scare me. It means they're ignoring the terrorists and forcing them to do something on a grander scale, to outdo Sept. 11 and the Holocaust.
If that makes sense...
Stop by for a visit if you have the time or would like to.
Toda raba:)
ReplyDeleteAs usual straight to the point and exposing the West their weakness.
Still i believe the Christian Church as a whole, not only the Roman Catholics should speak up expose Islam for what it is.
Just look at Russia the Orthodox Church would never allow Islamic militants to preach in the streets of Moscow.
By allowing himself to bow to Islam the Pope has sold out Christianity to Islam.In the time of the Crusades they wouldn't have tried to intimidate the Pope.Cause they knew they would have payed a terrible price.
these days the church would, so long as it was government backed militants
ReplyDeleteTalgat received a holy order from the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church
The (educated) people of Mecca thought Moh'd was a Joke, until he came back from Medina with an army of illiterate converts and beheaded, raped and pillaged them.
ReplyDeletethey were a bit late hearing the alarm.....
Will, "islamic militiants" preach in Russia, it has a large Muslim population, and are you ignorant of history? The Crusaders were defeated, have you heard of Salah ud din al Ayoubi? Even the English speak of awe of his chivalry, though he defeated them.
ReplyDeleteThere is no power greater than Islam, so it was as God willed, and so it shall be for all eternity.
Ah you mean Saladin's chivalry of beheading, mutilating and selling his enemies into slavery?
ReplyDeleteTwin Towers.
ReplyDeleteFollowed by Return of the King.
Islam will fall, for it is evil.
Pays to pay attention to the past as a forerunner of the future on things like this.
ReplyDeleteHi "Hussein".
ReplyDeleteDon't tell me it's Barrack Hussein?
Out of respect for the owner his blog i won't start a senseless -endless discussion.
Be my guest go and preach in the streets of Moscou ,don't forget to mention that there will be more terrorists attacks in the Moscou subways.
And i guess that will be the end of you.
Don't compare yourself to Saladin at least he had the guts to face his enemies not hiding in anonymity to speak up.
As I recall, Saladin also slaughtered the black guards of the Egyptian Caliph (whom he also killed); he also is said to have killed an uppity Jewish doctor in a particularly horrible way, ordered one of his sons to crucify an uppity poet and he tortured one hapless Egyptian courtier in order to discover where some treasure was hidden. This is the real Saladin, not the creation of romantic minstrels, or maudlin historical B-movies.
ReplyDeleteOh, Saladin was a hamburger, alright! He also fought his fellow Moslems far more than he did the Crusaders.
/Iguana Donna
Excellant!! Very informative, highly educational!! I am gong to link this from our web site.
ReplyDeleteThanks again!!
ReplyDeleteYou've a great mind.The current US administration mistakenly thinks that by appeasing muslim c'tries terrorism will somehow disappear.
One can't help but pity these poor
ReplyDeleteLOL. Thanks for the chuckle. Do you really believe President Barak Hussein Obama would post an an insignificant little smear site blog on blogger?
Iguana Donna,
I know that Christianity has contributed zilch to humanity (due to your false deity) that's why you Christians are envious of the greatest men in history being Muslim and try to pretend they're evil.
I understand, just as i understand that Jesus was right when he said most of his follwers he would disown on Judgement day, for disobeying his teachings. Do you for a minute think envy and jealousy are traits of the righteous. That's why your history has been full of people like you. Jesus himself said it.
Sultan Knish,
ReplyDeleteTch Tch.
Salah ud din Al Ayoubi, is lauded as a hero not just in English/Christian history but also in Jewish history. Don't forget your tribe always fought with us, against the crusaders, something that your Jerusalem covetting Christian Zionist conditional supporters like "anonymous" don't like. Your Rabbi's accepted Islamic rule over Jerusalem but not Christian rule. Don't twist history.
Your greatest Rabbi, Rabbi Maimonades ( who copied our codification for Judaism and borrowed much spiritually from us), accepted the job of Vizier to Salah ud din.
Oh it doesn't matter..God told us in the Quran that the entire humanity would benefit from the Quran including Book People who already hold a divine Book.
Do I hear a thank you from you? Stop being an ingrate and be thankful we are not asking you to recompense for all the kindness we showed Jews.
Please retract your smear of Salahudin. Jews owe us a great debt of gratitude as your own sages and history says. I've seen you trying to revise that here. Sorry no dice. Facts speak for themselves.
ReplyDelete"I know that Christianity has contributed zilch to humanity (due to your false deity) that's why you Christians are envious of the greatest men in history being Muslim and try to pretend they're evil.
You do realize you're posting that using the fruits of a technology arising mainly out of the work of Christians and Jews.
"Salah ud din Al Ayoubi, is lauded as a hero not just in English/Christian history but also in Jewish history. Don't forget your tribe always fought with us, against the crusaders, something that your Jerusalem covetting Christian Zionist conditional supporters like "anonymous" don't like. Your Rabbi's accepted Islamic rule over Jerusalem but not Christian rule. Don't twist history."
Jews didn't have a choice at the time, and so fought against those who persecuted them more, against those who persecuted them less. In Spain, Jews allied with Christians against Muslims, when Muslim persecutions became too extreme. The Crusaders wanted to wipe out Jews entirely. The Muslim rulers at the time wanted to retain them as servants.
However what we have always wanted is to be free.
"Your greatest Rabbi, Rabbi Maimonades ( who copied our codification for Judaism and borrowed much spiritually from us), accepted the job of Vizier to Salah ud din."
Other way around. Mohammed borrowed from the structure and content of Jewish law, not to mention the Bible. Which is not surprising, as there was no such thing as "Muslim Law" and your only preceding prophets were borrowed Jewish and Christian prophets.
Maimonedes' formal codification was Greek derived.
"Do I hear a thank you from you? Stop being an ingrate and be thankful we are not asking you to recompense for all the kindness we showed Jews. "
We owe thanks to G-d for having kept us alive and enabled us to endure the atrocities and oppression of Islam. And for restoring us to our land. And for not allowing your kind to wipe us out.
bint Marwan
ReplyDelete"Jesus," wrote Sri Aurobindo, "humanized the world from his cross."
muhammad, the fiend, was the
anti-christ, the minion of satan.
Father Zakaria compared Hitler and muhammad and found that muhammad was a far worse fiend than Hitler, if only because Hitler didn't pretend that he was a prophet of God with a direct line to Heaven.
islam has taken from the world and given back hatred, intolerance, stupidity, ignorance, violence, blasphemy.
Mimonides despised muhammadans. He called muhammad the meshugannah
ReplyDeleteThat "insignificant little smear site blog on blogger?"
Sure bothers you a lot!
Doesn't your Allah make you immune to such small things?
'You do realize you're posting that using the fruits of a technology arising mainly out of the work of Christians and Jews'
ReplyDeletePersonally i don't think he realize anything,muslims are too much braiwashed since their birth and don't even have the curiosity to know...for me their fate is sealed and we can not help it, they will live with the consequences of their ideology,they have made too many Evil for too long.
ReplyDeleteIslam did not borrow from Judaism or Chrisitanity, Islam is from Abraham Ishmael, they had their own blessings (Hagar, Ishmael, Abraham) which were separate to the ones Ishaaq received.
If it had borrowed Islam and Muslims wouldn't have influenced humanity more than these two religions. You cannot copy and better the original. Say that to Pauline Christianity, (99.9% of Christianity today) and it makes sense.
The Rambam's codification didn't come from the Greeks, it came from our's that was unique to Islam, the Hadiths. The Greek religion was there long before Islam.
I can bring you links, why don't you learn your own history.
Islam borrowed everything from Judaism and Christianity, that it didn't take up from the existing Arab tribal paganisms.
ReplyDeleteAll your prophets after Abraham were Jews. Aside from a pathetic attempt to write in Ishmael. Pity your Mohammed was too unoriginal to at least be creative enough to make up a whole line of prophets before him.
Islam's only approach is to begin claiming that Judaism and Christianity were really Islam all along. Which amounts to the same thing.
Islam's influence on humanity consisted of motivating people to fight back against it, or to try and escape its oppression.
The codifications were based on the Greek. The Hadiths are a poor imitation of Jewish oral law. What Maimonides did was significant precisely because it adopted a wholly different approach not used by Jews or by Muslims.
Not that any of this will make a dent in the typical Muslim lack of reasoning and delusional grandiosity.
Of course you won't answer this, as it's not me who is delusional,
ReplyDeletewhy are so many american Christians converting to Islam if it's a copy. If that were so, then it would be the other way round. Poor Sultan. He doesn't know that Islam is not just a Middle Eastern religion. It's aboriginal, african, european, russian, american, australian, black, yellow, white, asian, indian, indonesian, to the far ends of the earth and beyond.
How come all these people including his own are embracing Islam, and not that which it "plagiarised"
Enquiring minds want answers.
Because of the inbreeding of Moslems peoples from marry of cousins and sisters it is not possible talk to most on smart level.
ReplyDeleteThis is reason of honor killing so father and brothers can still have sex with daughter/sister so they marry her off to man they want not what she wants.
So when you would list reasons for the arab they cant understand.
Arab religion is a cult so they are brainwashed. It is not possible to stop that brainwashing
ReplyDeleteYes it is you who is delusional.
"why are so many american Christians converting to Islam if it's a copy. If that were so, then it would be the other way round."
Because Christian countries have freedom of religion. And so Christians don't murder people who convert to Islam. Muslims do murder Muslims in their own countries who convert to Christianity. Or otherwise persecute them.
There are nevertheless Muslims who convert to Christianity, Christians who convert to Buddhism, Jews who join the Moonies... making your argument silly and worthless.
Islam is an Arab religion. Spreading Islam to Russia does not make it a Russian religion.
People joining a religion does not legitimize it. If that were the case, then Scientology is just as legitimate as Islam.
"to the far ends of the earth and beyond."
There are Muslims beyond the earth? I suppose that makes as much sense as the rest of your claims.
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